Mandaya and Kagan Indigenous Forest Guards Prepared to take action Against Deforestation in Davao Oriental
In celebration of National Environmental Month, the Provincial Tribal Council and 11 Indigenous Peoples' Organizations (IPS) in Davao Oriental, with support from BaiAni Foundation and Kennemer Eco Solution, have successfully trained 125 forest guards. With the continued commitment of the Indigenous Groups of Davao Oriental to protect their ancestral domain, these dedicated individuals will be regularly deployed across the forest areas in DavOr to protect and preserve the region's natural resources.
The forest guards, hailing from different Certificate of Ancestral Domain Titles (CADTs) areas, underwent a 2-day training program of various topics on legal basis of forest law enforcement, forest conservation practices, resource management techniques, surveillance patrols, including their roles and responsibilities. From the last week of May up until June this year, aspiring forest guards were equipped with the necessary knowledge before officially assuming their duties.
The forest guards are assigned to the following CADTs:
R11‐BOS‐0403‐0006 Boston, Davao Oriental
R11‐CAR‐1016‐208 Caraga, Davao Oriental
R11‐MAN‐0515‐182 Manay, Davao Oriental
R11‐BAG‐1016‐209 Baganga, Davao Oriental
R11‐CAT‐0717‐216 Cateel, Davao Oriental
R11-BAN-0219-244 Banaybanay, Davao Oriental (Mandaya)
R11-BAN-0219-242 Banaybanay, Davao Oriental (Kagan)
R11-MAT-0219-243 Mati City, Davao Oriental
R11-TAR-08018-225 Tarragona, Davao Oriental
Lupon CADT, Davao Oriental
Governor Generoso CADT, Davao Oriental
The primary objective of deploying forest guards throughout the province is to strengthen efforts in combating deforestation and safeguarding natural resources. By ensuring the monitoring and surveillance of the forest areas within their respective ancestral domains, these forest guards will play a crucial role in protecting the rich biodiversity and cultural heritage of Davao Oriental.
The deployment of forest guards commenced on June 19, 2023, with the forest guards of Mati and Tarragona CADTs being the first to assume their responsibilities. Their initial tasks included familiarizing themselves with the terrain, recording and monitoring forest species, and conducting information, education, and communication (IEC) awareness campaigns with households along their patrol routes.
During their visit to Brgy. Don Salvador Lopez in Mati City, the forest guards from Mati CADT noted the presence of several species of native trees, including lauan, apitong, narra, and others. Meanwhile, the forest guards from Tarragona CADT recorded footprints of juvenile wild pigs along their patrol route in Brgy. Limot, Tarragona. These early observations demonstrate the importance of their work in safeguarding the region's flora and fauna.
The success of this collaborative effort is a testament to the commitment of various local stakeholders. By empowering indigenous peoples as forest guards, this initiative aims to preserve the natural resources and cultural heritage of Davao Oriental's ancestral lands while contributing to broader environmental conservation efforts.
As National Environment Month draws to a close, the deployment of these dedicated forest guards in Davao Oriental signifies a significant step forward in the province's commitment to preserving its natural heritage. With their knowledge and passion, they will serve as guardians of the forests, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.